CSTV plans Triple A Studios for kids throughout the country
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Murder, Rape, Theft
and Abuse. Kids all around the world need our help. |
We all need to get things off our chests. Don't we? Terry Armstrong, CEO Triple A Multimedia Group
See 'Police block Tel's TV Initiative' below And read Anne's letters on the subject!
Lets pull out the stops! somebody knows something about Sally Ann's murder. We need to catch him before he does it again!
That's not our experience, the young people we work with are bright, committed and keen to do something to help so when they receive negative, dismissive replies from organisations that they've asked for help, they don't get mad, it just fires 'em up.
Think about it - if it pi$$es you off too write and give em a red
card! Terry
So we launched CRIMESHARETV to help the police get information from the community enlisting the energy of young people to drive the project because its their future that needs protecting. CrimeshareTV is the community service arm of the Triple A Multimedia Arts Academy. The clear policy of CrimeshareTV as the name suggests is to promote the sharing of responsibility within communities in the fight against crime. To our amazement at Christmas the Police, acting on information from Crimestoppers, ordered our ISP to close down our site saying that "we were stealing their thunder". Apparently posting photos of Most Wanted criminals breeched copyright and the human rights of the criminals concerned. We had no idea the Crimestoppers Trust had a monopoly on crime prevention which would be jealously guarded by the police. In spite of West Yorkshire police rejection of their help the kids know the only way to beat corruption is to meet it head on, and wanting to continue the fight against crime CSTV is now hosted abroad. CSTV oporates a policy of total transparency so a full written record regarding the action's of the West Yorkshire Police is available on the website so you can judge for yourself. CLICK HERE! For the record the Prime Minister has been kept fully informed of the formation of CrimeshareTV and its purpose and in line with the PM's statement, were disappointed because we only wanted to help and feel the actions of the Police contradicts the community approach to the fight against crime. Respect is a two way thing, is it any wonder young people can't be arsed and don't vote when the establishment sends out these mixed messages or is the Prime Minister totally out of touch with the Police as well as the people. CrimeshareTV wrote to every MP in the UK and the only MP to respond and offer practical help was the Rt Hon Ann Widdecombe MP who immediately swept into action demanding answers and greater cooperation from West Yorkshire Police and The Crimestoppers Trust. "you go girl!' Within these imposed restrictions we shall
continue to do what we can to help the Police so we would encourage you to visit
the web sites of your local Police Force where you will find information
regarding people they are looking for. Also please take a moment to look at the
databases held by other organisation like Crimestoppers and the FBI etc you may
well be able to help put away serious criminals.
we have put together a reasonably
comprehensive list of links on this site but as a short cut you'll find the relevant
ones duplicated below.
The Department for Constitutional Affairs (DCA) also said that the photos should be published if the men are considered a danger to the public. The department said the Human Rights Act "explicitly" allows police to print "wanted" pictures if it is in the public interest. - Full Story Thanks to the Lord Chancellor's intervention CrimeshareTV's Most Wanted pages are up and running again.
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The cartoon images used were obtained from IMSI's MasterClips Collection.