CSTV plans Triple A Studios for kids throughout the country
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Murder, Rape, Theft
and Abuse. Kids all around the world need our help. |
CSTV apologise for removing images of the UK's most wanted criminals. After the statement by the Lord Chancellor on the 5th Jan 2007 CSTV published the images of UK's most Wanted Criminals. The Lord Chancellor, Lord Falconer, said the suggestion that the Human Rights Act may have prevented publication of the photographs was "absolute nonsense". "The Department for Constitutional Affairs (DCA) also said that the photos should be published if the men are considered a danger to the public. The department said the Human Rights Act "explicitly" allows police to print "wanted" pictures if it is in the public interest". For over 14 months CSTV have tried to work in partnership with the police and The Crimestoppers Trust. Repeated requests for co-operation relating to the publication of images of 'Most Wanted' criminals have been ignored. (Check out the West Yorkshire Police report page). Re our e-mail to Stephen Belgrave at the Crimestoppers Trust 6th Jan 07. Further to the ongoing communications between us this past year in CSTV's efforts to forge a working relationship with you I am disappointed my request for a copy of Crimestoppers Trusts' current published policies document made in my email dated the 6th November 2006 to New Media & Technology Assistant, Hunter Thorburn, has apparently been overlooked. You will appreciate the request was made to help the young volunteers at CSTV understand Crimestoppers' reasons for its apparent consistent reluctance to work in partnership with them. Given the level of corruption evident within the establishment ie 'Cash for Honours' you can't blame the kids for thinking the establishment has something to hide and doesn't want inquisitive kids asking questions. They only want to help prevent crime which would seem to conform with the statement on Crimestoppers website that Crimestoppers is built on a partnership between the police, the media and local communities. Following insider information of alleged corruption in the 'Cash for Honours' saga possibly implicating operators of other crime prevention websites, acting on legal advice, CSTV has removed the most wanted images to prevent possibly jeopardising the due process of law in prosecuting criminals, this being the source of concern to the police and The Crimestoppers Trust. CSTV have again requested cooperation from The Crimestoppers Trust to work in partnership in the fight against crime setting a time table for a response before instigating legal action to protect our rights as citizens to prevent crime.
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The cartoon images used were obtained from IMSI's MasterClips Collection.