CSTV plans Triple A Studios for kids throughout the country
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Murder, Rape, Theft
and Abuse. Kids all around the world need our help. |
If you’re worried about something, whether it’s bullying, smacking or anything in between, you’ll find loads of info to help you out right here. And if we can’t help, we will know someone who can. So have a good look around, read some of the articles and cringe at the jokes. And if you think you can do better……
The amateur videos show images of teenagers clashing - often on school grounds - as spectators stand by laughing. Other films show vicious bullying, often involving girls. The websites that host the clips class them as entertainment and allow users to rate the violence and gore. The children's charity NSPCC has called for a clampdown on this new form of happy slapping. A spokesman for the charity said he is worried the films will exacerbate the problems of bullying and violence between youngsters. He said the charity is calling for the websites that host the clips to be regulated.
From: bbc.co.uk 'Tackling the scourge of knife crime'
For years, legislation to combat the scourge of crime involving knives has exercised politicians and presented a challenge for several governments. Back in 1988, when the Conservatives were in charge, the Criminal Justice Act created an offence of carrying something with a blade or point in a public place without good reason with a maximum penalty of two years in prison. That piece of legislation made an exception for folding pocket knives of less than three inches. It also created an offence of having a knife or bladed weapon at school with a maximum sentence of up to four years in jail. For the full story see
our news page or visit
What is bullying? Bullying usually starts when people pick on someone because they are different. This can be anything from hair colour, skin colour and size to what you wear or how you’re doing at school. That’s why bullying is so stupid, coz everyone is different. After all wouldn’t it be boring if we were all the same?
KrimeKids believe in helping others and helping yourself. If you are being bullied, or you know some who is, here’s some Do’s and Donts.
Source: Kidscape There are lots of people who can help you. Talk to your family or a teacher. There are also some organisations that can offer you advice on how to deal with these bullies. Childline: Telephone 0800 1111 - free advice line Kidscape: Telephone 020 7730 3300 - free advice and booklets Don’t put up with Bullying. Help KrimeKids to stamp it out. If you have a story on bullying, why not E-Mail KrimeKids? Do you have any advice? How did you cope? Let us know your experiences and we will post them up on this page. Email here
Study shows half of all under 11's have been bullied Shock at death of bullied school boy Paul Moran Fines for the parents of Bullies Call for probe into bullying in the armed forces
are Policemen so strong?
did the judge say when a skunk walked in to the court room?
did the police man say to his tummy?
do you call Batman & Robin if they get hit by a steam roller?
What happened to
the man who stole a Calendar?
Go to the FORUM and join the debate. Captivity – being a captive, or a prisoner. Ecosystem – A system made up of a group of animals, plants and bacteria. Manatee – A marine mammal with a paddle shaped tail. It is found in Florida and the Caribbean. Endangered. Experts believe that this mammal could be extinct in 10 years.
It is still legal for your parents to smack you as long as it doesn’t leave a mark. But the UK’s Children’s commissioners, adults chosen to protect your rights, say that all smacking should be banned. They think that smacking children is the same as assault, which is illegal. But the Government say that parents should still be able to decide how they discipline you and that includes the right to lightly smack you if they think you deserve it. Do you think that smacking should be made illegal in Britain?
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The cartoon images used were obtained from IMSI's MasterClips Collection.