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Is polluting the environment a crime? Should it be? The issues are far more wide ranging than you might think. The human population has abused this planet to the point of no return. For the sake of your children, and your children’s children, you need to make yourself aware of the issues.
Extinctions usually occur at what scientists call a natural rate. Now that rate is much much faster. Scientists now estimate that 1.75 million species face extinction, including a quarter of all mammals, 1 bird in 8 and 13% of all flowering plants. What are the reasons behind this? Humans have more than doubled their numbers in the last 50 years. In 1953 there were 2.5 billion people on the planet. Now there are 6 billion. We are taking their food to feed ourselves and their environment to build our homes. We exploit them for commercial gain every opportunity we get. A small minority of the human population are realising this. The vast majority isn’t. What we are doing to the planet is criminal in the strongest sense of the word. Every single one of us needs to take action. If we don’t then we ourselves are just that – criminals.
The latest statistics seem to confirm that we are. We are polluting this vibrant world that we live in faster than at any other time in human history. Our quest for money has, in one way or another, created this mess that we now find ourselves in. Ironically, to clear up all the waste and pollution we will have to spend billions. The stats make sombre reading. 3 million people are killed worldwide by outdoor air pollution annually from vehicles and industrial emissions. 1.6 million people are killed indoors through using solid fuel.
Each year 2.1 million people die from diarrhoeal diseases associated with poor water. 7-20% of cancers are attributable to poor air and pollution in homes and workplaces. Through our misuse of chemicals, our bad waste mangement and our greed for fossil burning fuels, we are killing ourselves and others.. Once again we are led to the inevitable conclusion: Just because we don’t break the law in the eyes of the government, if we help to kill others through our wasteful habits and our greed then we are criminals. Except we don’t live in a cell.
Our exploitation of fish and other marine wildlife is pushing ocean ecosystems to the brink of collapse. We need to protect our seas from human overconsumption and greed before it is too late. Here are the facts:
During the same period, the variety of fish species dropped by as much as 50 percent because of overfishing, habitat destruction, and climate change. 90% of large predator fish species such as cod, shark, and bluefin tuna have disappeared. Industrial fishing generates about 25 million tons of unwanted by-catch—fish and marine mammals that are dumped overboard, dead or dying. For every pound of wild-caught shrimp, at least 10 pounds of other sea life, including many fish otherwise sought as edible seafood, are also caught and discarded. Long-line vessels annually set up to 10 billion baited hooks on lines as long as 60 miles. Millions of sharks, hundreds of thousands of sea birds and marine mammals, and numerous endangered sea turtles and other creatures die each year on those hooks. Some 1,000 whales, dolphins, and porpoises die daily in trawl nets. Heavy bottom trawlers destroy delicate ocean floor habitat, much like bulldozers flattening a forest. So next time you tuck into your fish and chips, think about what it costs. Not in money, but in lives.
You may well ask. After all, last time you looked, polluting wasn’t a crime. Nor fishing. And extinction…..well, that certainly isn’t your fault. WRONG. What we are doing to this planet is a crime. One that we are all responsible for. If we choose to sit and do nothing, then we deserve everything we get.
Kidnapping pets is now big business. The misery this heartless crime causes is immeasurable. A pet gives unqualified love to the owner no matter what. Even the cruellest owners receive love and loyalty from a pet seldom found in human relationships, so when a pet is lost or stolen a broken heart is often the consequence.
HOW CAN ANYONE KNOWINGLY HURT A DEFENCELESS ANIMAL? People in general deplore cruelty to defenceless animals and birds. Somehow, the relationship between man and beast is sacred. When we learn of obscene cruelty to animals our thoughts turn to revenge. Do you have a viewpoint? What can we do to expose violators of innocent creatures? CrimeshareTV is an answer. Together we can make a difference to the welfare of loving pets. Loads of people think just like you about how best to protect animals from people who have no right to claim to be human. Kidnapping pets is now big business in the UK. CrimeshareTV invites you to post a picture and description of your lost or stolen pet on this page. If preferred, your contact details can be kept confidential. We will try our best to reunite you with your pets. ALSO... The recent Hurricane season in the States separated many pets from their owners prompting the launch of popular websites like petfinder in the USA. Animal lovers unite. There are thousands of us to help defend natures creatures.
We’re supposed to be a nation of animal lovers. So where’s the huge outcry? The truth is that even now, despite popular TV shows such as Animal Hospital and Wildlife SOS, most cases go unnoticed. But the most shocking fact is that even when people do notice, they do bugger all about it.
If you know the abuser, then perhaps you could talk to them. Appeal to their better judgement (if they have one). Of course, we’re not suggesting that you take the law into your hands, but sometimes a quiet word in someone’s ear is all it takes. The sad fact of the matter is that animals are generally considered to be a lower priority (indeed a lower form of life) than humans. The law focuses on human rights, closely followed by the pursuit of money. There is absolutely no incentive for the government to waste their time, money and energy on animal protection.
But whatever you do, don’t just sit there and do nothing. Look up your local RSPCA or Wildlife Trust. Find out what campaigns they are running and get involved! You can make a start right now. Go to the forum, share your views and vote in our online poll. Should animal abusers get the same punishment as those who abuse people? Jason Armstrong
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The cartoon images used were obtained from IMSI's MasterClips Collection.