CSTV plans Triple A Studios for kids throughout the country
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Murder, Rape, Theft
and Abuse. Kids all around the world need our help. |
It is part of the CRIMESHARETV philosophy to share everything, with everyone. From the bizarre to the candid, from the shocking to the practical, we believe that everyone has a right to make their voice heard. Many of you make your voices heard on our forums, whilst others make their opinions known through videos, articles, cartoons……we’re even hoping for a theme tune! Some of you meanwhile, email Rachael our editor directly. So she had the bright idea (see, she’s not entirely useless, ha, ha) to dedicate a page to our dedicated emailers. Here’s where you’ll find the best/ funniest/ most bizarre.
These ones are all about the proposed CSTV Studio in Brixton - ED This smacks of corruption a bit like what happened to CSTV last year and that rideculas letter from toffee nosed Lord Ashcroft. Bill from Leytonstone B stands for Brixton Bollox! everybody just keep on goin you're doin a great job and nobody can condem you for trying. Allan (ex police) Wales My Dads a copper and he cant believe what's happening but he says there not all stupid like Yorkshire police and I should doing stuff on Crimeshare. Jen 16 from Bristol The police close down our site because Crimestoppers told em to. We know Crimestoppers is run by Lord Ashcroft - Lord Ashcroft gives more money to the government than anybody and they wanna keep it a secret. My dad said what's the point of getting the police to investigate the 'money for peerages' scam after what Lord A and the police did to our website - its obvious they help each other! That's why my dad don't vote anymore. How can we help fight crime when you cant trust the PM let alone the police. My dad said he's really worried about the future for my age group. Megan (15) CrimeshareTV regular Me and my mates wanna do our bit against criminals but its getting harder to know who to trust. Crimestoppers boss Lord Ashcroft told the police to close down our site because they work for the government and he gives loads of money to them and he's scared we'll steal all his credit. Seems to me the police, politicians and all them are all the same. Lord Ashcroft pays the government so he can run Crimestoppers then he can tell the police what to do. Why should we trust them when they don't trust us, all we want is to help stop drugs, catch the perverts and make where we live better and safer. Eric (14) CrimeshareTV regular Another bunch of over paid old gits in suits turning their back on our offer to fight crime and terrorism like Yorkshire Police did last Christmas. Decent people need to ask like why? What they got to hide? What's the government got against working with us who wanna fight terrorists and local scum gun thugs selling drugs on the street. Why wont the police work with the young people there spossed to protect? What s happened to the respect Tony was on about. We've all got cameras on our mobiles and were everywhere, we'll get answers. Merry Christmas to everyone who knows me. Eric 15 from Herts What a nerve Brixton BC's got, what have they ever done for us. Just watched TV they've done nothing. Don't worry about them, lets do it ourselves before we all get shot in McDonalds. Bev from Stockewell Can Ann Widdecombe help us again, she's cool, I'd vote for her! David 10 from Clapham What her problem, Tosser We fight crime, at least were not training to be terrorists! I think Felon's brilliant, say hi to her for me. Jo from Peckham Crime in America is at a 30 year low. Murder is at a 40 year low. We don't need fear mongers Morton Davis. Thanks for your views Morton. It caused a stir amongst the team, so allow me to reply. Crimeshare TV works with communities to help combat crime. Everyone has a choice. They can either ignore what is happening or they can choose to help themselves by pooling their resources and knowledge. The bureau of National statistics in America, bears out your comment that some crime is down. Does that mean we can now sit back and say "Well that's alright then"? That would be a sad state of affairs. Please Morton, if you get a minute, take a look at the stats more closely. Arrests for drug abuse have increased as have the overall crimes reported to police. Burglary, theft, and gun crime has stabilised and looks set to rise this year. Let's not be complacent, eh?
Dear Editor, I don't know about you, but me and my family are bloody disgusted with the way our youth is going to the pits. We were watching the telly last night and another teenager has gone and murdered a kid. You go on about kids being given a rum deal but what do you expect. Everywhere I go, kids are sitting on their arses, causing trouble and doing nothing. On a Saturday night they get together, get pissed and cause riots. So don't go on about kids getting a rum deal. They're alright. They watch mindless TV shows and play violent computer games, then go out and give us grief. Bring back conscription or put the buggers in jail. I don't want to know anymore. Yours Faithfully, Tim Sheldon.
Dear Sir (SIR??? – Ed) What about the lawyers, barristers and judges? I’ve had a lot of dealings with these gits in the past few years and IMHO you need to expose these money grabbing turds. I’ll help. Judges that don’t read cases properly, barristers who make secret deals and lawyers who charge you when they’re on the bog. Surely I can’t be the only one who’s had these problems. It isn’t just the huge sums of money involved, and it is huge amounts btw. It’s the way that they have no bloody respect for the man on the street. They’re so busy being up their own arses that half the time, the lawyers that I hire ignore my bloody instructions and do their own thing anyway. As it is I’m now in huge debt, and the most galling thing is that I know I’ve lined the pockets of a bunch of snotty nosed legal types who are criminals in their own right. They just know how to manipulate the law more than we do. When are you going to do something about them. Alan Chisholm. You make a really good point.. We will be running a series of features based on our research and public contributions on this very topic. Keep an eye on our LEGAL ABUSE page. Well said, Alan! – ED.
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The cartoon images used were obtained from IMSI's MasterClips Collection.